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School Rules:


You are expected to be on time to school and all classes. If you are excessively tardy (more than 3 times per quarter) to school or class, your teacher will assign you one or more after school detentions. If you are late for school, you must come to the attendance office for an admit slip. Any student arriving after 8:00 a.m. must be accompanied by a parent, phone call, note, or email.  Reasons for unexcused tardiness are the same as unexcused absences. If a teacher detains you, make sure that you get a pass from that teacher before going to your next class. The office will not write passes.




Liberty Middle School has a zero tolerance for bullying. 


Cell Phones


While it is permissible for you to have a cell phone or electronic device at school for use during after- school hours, it must be turned offand put away during the school day. Students whose cell phones/electronic devices cause a disruption will be disciplined.  There are phones in the main office available for student use before and after school.


Dress Code


Each student has the responsibility to dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable community standards of good taste, health, safety and cleanliness that does not disrupt the educational process and does not indicate affiliation with any group that advocates dangerous or unlawful activities. Please refer to the dress code in the Edwardsville District #7 Handbook.  Some guidelines include, but are not limited to:

  • No hats, sunglasses, or coats

  • No clothing that may reveal undergarments, such as baggy pants or spaghetti strap tops

  • No shirts that display any type of alcohol or drug-related images

  • No dog collars, chains, or wallett chains

  • Leggings must be accompanied by a top that covers at least to the hips


You should always obey the proper and reasonable orders and instructions given to you by the staff in all school-related circumstances. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.




At Liberty Middle School, we expect students to do their best and complete all assignments on time. Not doing assigned work is the single greatest cause of academic failure at Liberty Middle School.  We believe that use of the Planner and communicating with your parents are ways we can encourage you to keep up with your work. You should always write your assignments in your Planner.




Punctual and regular attendance at school, including each class session, is very important. If you are truant from school, you will be assigned one or more detentions.


Missed Assignments


Assignments missed with an excused absence will be due upon return to school.  You will have the same number of days to make up the assignment as the number of days you missed.  For example, if you were absent Monday, Friday's homework will be expected on Tuesday.  Monday and Tuesday's homework assignments will BOTH be due on Wednesday.  All assignments will be posted on this website, and you can set up an appointment with me, before or after school.

Classroom Procedures:

Each day I expect each of my students to do the following when they come into the classroom:


  1. Each student comes into the classroom and turns in homework.

  2. Each student needs to sharpen 2 pencils.

  3. Each student will have his/her agenda ready to go and copy the homework assignment on the agenda board.

  4. Each student will complete bell work on the board until class starts.

  5. Each student must be seated when the tardy bell rings or he/she will be marked tardy. 

During class, I expect each of my students to do:


  1. To participate in class discussions and activities. 

  2. To write down notes that I am writing on the board. 

  3. To be a team member and help out their teammates who might need help.

  4. To collect handouts or homework to take home as well as their math notebook so they can study. This practice will create questions, each student can ask after school or the next day in class. 

Before students are dismissed from class:


  1. Each student must clean the area around his/her desk. (There should be nothing on the floor)

  2. Each student must have any and all handouts/homework before he/she leaves.

Classroom Motto/Rules (P.O.W.E.R):

  • Preparation- students will come prepared to work in class every day; bringing their notebooks, agendas, and pencils with them.

  • Organization- students will keep their notes organized as they will be helpful for them to succeed in this class.

  • Work Ethic- students will work hard in order to push themselves to reach new heights and achieve their goals. They can do this by taking notes, asking questions, and answering questions. These are a few starters that can help your student succeed.

  • Expectations- students will have high expectations about themselves as they strive to achieve. Homework completion is a beginning point for students to achieve their goals here in class as they understand the material and know what they need to do.

  • Respect- students will show respect to all students, teachers, faculty, adults, and themselves in the classroom and school environment. 



Classroom Behavior Plan:

Students are expected to enter the classroom every day prepared for daily instruction by following the rules, policies, procedures, and our motto of the classroom and the school. The consequences below will be those enforced in the event that students do not meet the set expectations. 

  • First Warning - Verbal Warning*

  • Second Warning - discussion after class*

  • Third Warning - student’s card will be punched*

    • After the Third Warning, parents/guardians will be contacted.*

  • Fourth Warning - student’s card will be punched and a detention will be issued.*

  • Fifth Warning- Office Referral will be issued.*




*I reserve the right to skip steps in this process depending on the severity of the offense and/or behavior that disrupts the learning environment.

Policies and Procedures

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